SR&ED Program Updates and Other Innovation Funding Opportunities

By Boast Capital (other events)

Wednesday, April 4 2012 7:30 AM 9:30 AM MST
Canada is one of the most generous countries in funding research, innovation, and experimentation, providing approximately $7 billion annually to over 30,000 companies. Over $4.5 billion of this funding pool is provided under the Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) program.

This seminar will give you a comprehensive view of the SR&ED program and will discuss changes to the program introduced in the Federal budget on March 29th and their impact on claimants. The following topics will be covered:

*Introduction to SR&ED
*Changes to the SR&ED program
*Strategies to maximize your claims
*Eligible project examples
*Other Government Incentive programs
*Financing your SR&ED claim

7:30 Complimentary breakfast & networking
8:00 Presentation
9:00 Q&A

Once you've registered, click "I'm Going" on the registration page for a chance to win a free copy of "Good to Great" by Jim Collins.

Alex Popa is a Partner at Boast Capital, where he is responsible for managing consulting operations to help companies secure and maximize SR&ED tax credits. Prior to Boast Capital, Alex managed KPMG’s Software and IT SR&ED practice for Western Canada, and managed the national Software and IT SR&ED practice for Alma Consulting Group, a global operations consulting firm with offices in 12 countries. Alex has extensive experience guiding clients through the technical and financial requirements of the SR&ED program for companies across Canada and has successfully represented clients in CRA SR&ED audits. Prior to becoming a SR&ED consultant, Alex co-founded an e-commerce start-up specializing in providing online recruitment resources to high turnover industries. Alex is a certified Project Management Professional and holds a B. Eng. in Software Engineering with Electrical minor from Lakehead University and a Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting from University of British Columbia.

Paul Cataford is an Associate Partner at Espresso Capital, a SR&ED financing firm. Paul has been in the early-stage high technology industry for over 20 years. Previous positions include: President and CEO - University Technologies International (commercialization and early-stage incubation); Executive Managing Director - NB Equity Capital Partners (PE and VC); President and Managing Director - BCE Capital (VC). Paul currently sits on the boards of Sierra Wireless Inc. (TSX and NASDAQ) and Hemisphere GPS Inc. (TSX). Paul is also the CEO of Zephyr Sleep Technologies - a medical device company. Paul has been involved in starting 12 companies, has invested in over 25 companies with a successful track record of significant returns. Paul holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from Queens, an MBA from Schulich and an ICD.D from Rotman.